

A* algorithm is a popular and widely used pathfinding algorithm in computer science and artificial intelligence. It is an extension of the Dijkstra’s algorithm with a heuristic function added to improve efficiency.


  • On finite graphs A* is guaranteed to terminate and is complete only if there is no negative edge weight.
  • On infinite graph with a finite branching factor and edges costs that are strictly positive, A* is guaranteed to terminate only if a solution exists.
  • A* is optimal in tree search if the heuristic is admissible.
  • A* is optimal in graph search if the heuristic is consistent.


CaseSpace ComplexityTime Complexity
Worst CaseO(Elog(V))=O(bd)\mathcal{O}(\|E\|log(\|V\|)) = \mathcal{O}(b^d)O(V)=O(bd)\mathcal{O}(\|V\|) = \mathcal{O}(b^d)

Where EE is the set of edges of the graph, VV, its set of vertices, bb, its branching factor and dd the depth of the solution.


A*(Graph G, Node start, Node goal, Heuristic h):
  openList = emptyPriorityQueue()
  closeList = emptyPriorityQueue()
  WHILE (openList is not empty) :
    v = openList.dequeue()
    IF (v is goal) :
      RETURN reconstructPathFrom(v)
    FOR EACH (neighbor of v) :
      newCost = h(neighbor)
      IF ((neighbor not in closeList) AND (neighbor not in openList with neighbor.cost < newCost)) :
        neighbor.parent = v
        neighbor.cost = newCost